Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Inspirational song: The Waiting (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers)

When I told myself maybe I should get the Rona early and get it over with, I had no idea that tempting fate would be revealed as risky so quickly. Right now I feel as normal as I ever do (with all my usual crud that I deal with every day). But this morning I got a phone call that increased my stress level exponentially. Someone who was close enough to me to touch my head tested positive in the days following. This individual felt just fine, and had no idea they were shedding virus while they were so near me, so there is no justification for blame. My heart goes out to them. I hope they sail through the illness with no lingering problems.

If it takes up to two weeks to really know whether you have it, then I have at least one more week to stay isolated in my own home, without visitors. I took my temperature right after the call, and it was still right in my regular range (low 97s). My nose is clear. I cough sometimes, but that has been happening for months, as that thyroid nodule slowly calcified. My energy is actually really good. I’ve done a little housework, pulled some weeds as the Mr worked more to expand the paisley shaped garden bed, and I made a really yummy stroganoff dinner. If there is anything remarkable amiss it’s that I have a mild, lingering headache. I was outside in the UV light long enough that a headache can’t be automatically blamed on any other reason.

So far staying home has been fine. There are plenty of things to entertain me. There are multiple signs of life in the garden, including some tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils starting to peek through the fall debris. We got quite a bit done before the spring snowstorm that is supposed to roll in tomorrow and cover us with half a foot of wet snow. While we were in the front yard, all of the dogs, ours and the neighbors’, were super noisy. I thought they were just being little jerks until Mr S-P walked past me saying he found out what excited them. One of them treed a raccoon in the corner of T’s yard, on a branch that leans over our garden shed. It took four of us humans to get all five dogs inside so the poor raccoon could slink down and hide between our shed and fence. I think Elsa and Murray will stay inside for most of the next two days, until the snow comes and goes.

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