Thursday, May 2, 2024

All the Pretties

Inspirational song: Silly Love Songs (Wings)

The most on-point moment of the day: I dared to go into the Flower Bin, in search of two Proven Winners plants. I thought, you know, I can handle walking through the perennials outside garden. I won't pick up anything. (I knew that the public restrooms would be my next stop--I couldn't carry a thing in there.) But as I made a loop up past shrubs (ooh, dark ninebark!), to hydrangeas (80 bucks for a limelight that I will probably kill just like all the others?), past hostas and heucheras, I came out into the sunnier part. I took in the expanses of perfect plants, just waiting to be lovely flowers. The in-store music was on a mellow rock station. Paul McCartney crooned, "Iiiiiiiii looooove youuuu." Yes, spot on. Sing those silly love songs to all my plant friends. It's exactly what I was feeling inside.

I started putting my annuals into the beds out front. So far I've only placed the cosmos in the spot where I had supertunias last year. I carried some pots to the front with intentions of putting annuals in them. I dragged an enormous pot that used to hold the ficus tree to the front, and made plans for it. Then I pulled weeds and clipped back a struggling mini-rose until I couldn't stand it anymore. I'm trying to get something done outside every single day, unless the weather forbids it.

The plants I want for the giant pot are very specific. I am going to try a King Tut papyrus grass for the thriller, a sun-loving begonia for the filler, and some verbena for the spiller. I found the papyrus at the Flower Bin, but none of the begonias there seemed right. I looked for Surefire begonias, but they didn't have them. They might be the size I need for that pot, so I will wait. I also looked at Home Depot for them, with no luck, but I did happen upon two Supertunia Jazzberry. I can't be mad about that. They were only 3 bucks each to boot.

Much planting and weeding to come over the next week.

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