Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Take Care of It Later

Inspirational song: Anticipation (Carly Simon)

I was staring at my two floofy girls, wondering what the heck I would write about, when tonight's song started playing in my head... sort of. I was hearing the tune of Anticipation, but the word was "procrastination." That really was the theme of the day. I have a ton of things to get done, and I couldn't force myself to do more than the absolute minimum. So many tasks are simple administrative functions, like paying bills. It just wasn't happening.

For Rotary, I wanted to dress "springy." I chose a bright pink top and striped blue pants. I smiled at myself and thought it was sufficiently light-hearted. But in the back of my mind, I knew there were risks involved. When my friend arrived to the meeting, I saw my gamble had failed. See the picture below, and caption it, "when your besties shop at the same stores you do." And I didn't even point out to my clothing twin that another friend was sitting at the next table, wearing pants from the same store, ones that each of us also bought. You would think we live in some remote one-stoplight kind of town, rather than an extended metropolis that covers the whole front range of the Rockies.

I tried to do more of my yardwork, but I came home from Rotary and three stores mostly empty-handed and out of energy. I didn't even get started baking the cheesecake that I promised for tomorrow. I'll have to get up early and bake, so it has time to chill before game night. I'll need to clean house before then also, so planting may have to wait too.

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