Friday, May 17, 2024

Goober Day

Inspirational song: Peaches (Jack Black)

Our little girl is growing so fast. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how four years have already passed. For me, she both exists as a tiny baby and a full-blown kid, and it's possible that high school Valerie is already in my consciousness years ahead of schedule. Those kids are my everything.

I had to go to Walmart for a new screen protector for my shattered iPad, and while there I was instructed to buy a balloon for the birthday girl. There were very few available, and all I saw were graduation-themed. They had some gold and black stars with no writing on them (I guess for CU grads), and I knew Valerie likes stars. I took a gold one. I had been standing in the checkout line for ages when I realized I forgot to grab wrapping paper for the Bowser stuffie I bought her when her auntie and I were at Universal Studios. I let that work through my head until it occurred to me I could just hand her these two gifts together, Bowser holding a Nintendo gold star. I didn't need wrapping paper at all.

We went to the house for kid-approved lunch (hot dogs, watermelon, and corn on the cob), and birthday cake. I had my own GF cake while everyone else had regular wheat-based cake with gooey yellow frosting. Val did a good job with hers, but Dmitri was absolutely coated with frosting. I'm glad his daddy was helping him rather than me. 

The plan was to go out to the reservoir with them, but I was totally sapped by the heat and intensity of the sun today, so I begged out of the outdoor part of the day. I wish I'd been up to it. They had such a good time in the water.

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