Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Late Present

Inspirational song: Don't Stop (Fleetwood Mac)

There was very nearly a mutiny around here. For months our internet has been sucking more and more, freezing up at the most inopportune moments. Housemate 1 didn't complain, just turned their phone to a hot spot and kept plugging away. They didn't even raise a fuss when this caused them to be bumped out of an online quiz for their college classes. Housemate 2 was a different story. She is a gamer, and her online setup choked the bandwidth something fierce. She was a much squeakier wheel. So this morning I called our city's fiber optic cable office, and had them ping my ... well, he said don't call it a modem, but I don't remember what he called it. Either way, even the 8 year old equipment was still working properly. It was our wifi router of the same vintage that was freezing. It was time to throw the old one on the scrap heap and update the lot. After a little scouting around, we settled on a fancy system that we got at Costco. It has much better coverage, with a couple satellite units spread out in the front bedroom and basement. We are already noticing the improvements. This was a long time coming.

While at Costco, we saw that the kid gardening sets were back in stock, barely. There were only two left, so I pulled one off the shelf immediately, just to be sure they wouldn't disappear before I caught Mr S-P's attention. We took it over to the kids' house, and Valerie did a great job helping grandpa put it together. She is very excited to become a real, serious gardener. That's my baby.

We also went by Lowe's, looking for irrigation supplies for the garden. Of course we cruised through clearance plants. I pulled out a pitiful looking hydrangea, knowing that mine from last year totally died over the winter (I have a horrible track record). I showed it to Mr S-P, singing, "don't stop thinking about tomorrow..." Five minutes later, I was sneaking a long planter of wilty gerbera daisies into the cart, and I started singing again. He just shook his head and muttered something about knowing better than to let either of us near clearance plants.

This week's new board game: Wyrmspan. It's a very similar game to Wingspan, but the theme is dragons. We were all starting on an even footing. None of us was more experienced than the others, and we didn't end up finishing the game before we called it for the night. This one will be fun once we get used to it.

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