Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Do It Right

Inspirational song: Please Mister Postman (The Marvelettes)

Sometimes I let tasks turn into monsters in my head. Usually these monsters involve making a phone call, or composing an unusually difficult email, but always they are easier than my anxiety makes them out to be. Take, for example, the item that has been atop my to-do list since April: file my periodic report with the Colorado secretary of state. The first time I tried to do it, I put in the wrong email address, and didn't get logged in. I set it aside for later, but this ratcheted up my stress level just a bit. Then I let it fester for weeks, morphing it into this big unknown task that might involve entering data that I might have to compile. I finally got to it today, once again using the wrong email (but different than the one before). I couldn't find anywhere in my extensive notes what I had used. As a last-ditch effort, I tried my personal email. Holy cow, that worked. And what was the periodic report? Basically "What's your business address? Are you allowed to file this? What's your name? Write the address again. Pay us ten dollars. Thank you." And that was it. I worried for weeks, and it was just an address verification and a small fee. I drew a line through that item on my list. 

We went shopping today, starting at the Ace Hardware that has a USPS office in it. So I mailed a document to my MLS office (couldn't find the right spot on the website to upload the document, so I went old school). Drew another line through my to-do list. While we were out we got some supplies we needed for the new beekeeping hobby. That's one item I can't mark off yet -- "research bees." I've started but haven't learned enough to consider it done.

Two of the last three things involve mailing packages. These will also be difficult to complete, just because I have this weird mental hangup about mailing anything at all. It takes me an embarrassingly long time to put packages in the mail (we are talking months to sometimes years). But if I can get these done, that will just leave one thing, which is a bill I can't pay anyway until I get paid on the first. Whew. Who knew I could get so close to done with my list?

Apropos of nothing, it was game night. That's all I took a photo of, so here is what I was looking at for the last few hours.

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