Thursday, May 23, 2024


Inspirational song: Simply Irresistible (Robert Palmer)

Yet more proof that the umbilical cord was never fully cut between me and my daughter-- she opened her phone to text me about going out, only to find I had already texted to say hey, let's get in trouble. I had no purpose in mind. I just wanted to see her and those babies. She had a plan, to finally get some tomato and pepper plants to go in her garden. 

Out of all the places to buy vegetable starts, we chose based on the most important criteria, which store had the most fun shopping carts for the kids. Home Depot's are the best, for holding them in, being fun for the children, and being a manageable size to maneuver. 

We got the plants we needed, and I got time with the younger generations without wearing myself out too badly. Now I have to figure out what space is left for the gratuitous tomato plant I just had to have. (I couldn't leave without a "German queen," even though I have no idea what it tastes like compared to others.) 

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