Monday, May 27, 2024

Group Effort

Inspirational song: Join Together (The Who)

It took a village to accomplish this day. Nothing could have been done without multiple sets of hands. 

My original plan was to cook a family dinner for my daughter for mother's day, but she ended up needing to fill in at work that day, so those plans went awry. Instead we picked a day when we all could meet for lunch, and I cooked things that I needed to use from my freezer and pantry. I had a whole ham that never got used for Thanksgiving, when I had a million people here, and there were two whole cabbages taking up real estate in the fridge (I'm not sure why they were there). I also used what might have been the last bag of frozen Palisade peaches, some frozen raspberries from last year's garden, and a frozen pie shell. Thank goodness there were lots of mouths to help me clear out all that space.

I had help tidying the house, which I desperately needed, and after lunch our son-in-law helped move things in the back yard. The kids played on the slide again, specifically playing Valerie's new game of "rescue" as she is "falling" down the slope.

This evening, our son-in-law was hosting a game night at their place, where he was the GM of a role-playing campaign that he created. Our daughter was once again picking up extra hours at work (they're a little short-staffed right now), so we went over to keep the kids in their play room, watching a movie on Disney. The more tired children are, the harder they squirm and struggle to focus. Once it was bedtime, it took five of us to corral them and get them into jammies (one game player stayed late to help). 

Now it's 9:30 in the evening, and grandpa and I are headed straight to bed. We wore ourselves out. It was all worth the effort, though.

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