Saturday, May 25, 2024

Summer Cut

Inspirational song: The First Cut is the Deepest (Rod Stewart)

This time around it took about four and a half months for me to work my appearance back up on the priority list, and get myself a haircut. I'm pretty sure it was January last time I went. For some reason, the online scheduling app wouldn't let me get in with the stylist I saw before, so I just picked the first available slot. It was with the person who I believe is the owner of the salon. Housemate #1 sees her regularly, so I had confidence that it would be a good experience.

I took a few before pictures on my way out the door. I had trouble with the afters, because I don't think this stylist had a lot of experience with curly hair. She tried putting in product and scrunching once it was already mostly dry. Nope. Has to be soaking wet to form curl clumps. It sat flat against my head when I left. Once home, I tried to wet it and start over, but it didn't get the attention it really needed. It will settle down once I can do it start to finish. Or perhaps settle is not the right word. Curl and go wild may be closer to what I want.

It took significantly less time than I thought it would to get to Loveland, and I had time to kill. I noticed a really large garden center just before I got to downtown, so I circled around and did a quick reconnoiter of the premises. Their houseplant section was so small as to be difficult to find, but everything else was Texas-sized. Tons of bedding plants. Expanses of pottery and birdbaths. Accessories galore. I got out of there before I spent money, but that is not to say they will never see a dime from me.

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