Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Done Quickly

Inspirational song: Peter Gunn (Duane Eddy)

While it would have been cool to show off all the gardening and useful things I did today, I have a distinct lack of big accomplishments to actually draw from. Yes, I remembered to water the annuals still sitting in 4-packs on the front steps. Haven't decided on a single placement for any of them yet. I guess it could be considered gardening to have tried a major rescue on the tradescantia that has been struggling in the basement bathroom for a couple months. The Mr brought it up and asked me to save it and make a macrame hanger for it. I ended up cutting it up and stabbing strands of it back in the soil, hoping that it will regrow roots. I threw away tons of dead leaves and dried stems. And I made the hanger. I rarely spend time downstairs anymore, especially while we have a temporary housemate occupying part of it as her personal space, so I didn't have good measurements for the plant hanger. I didn't know exactly where it would go, nor how long he wanted it to be. I just watched a single YouTube video for inspiration, and then riffed on that until it seemed right. I think it might be too long. If I have to make another, fine. I'll get to that when I get to it.

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