Thursday, May 16, 2024


Inspirational song: Jealous (Nick Jonas)

Four years ago, on the day Valerie was born, we walked outside and a bright orange poppy growing on the edge of our lawn caught my eye. Something about it spoke to me, and I proclaimed that orange is her color. That vivid red-orange poppy, that is my baby's color. Last week, when we were driving in the car, the topic of favorite colors came up. She told us her favorite was "red...and orange...and yellow." I hear she has informed her mother in the same way. I am feeling remarkably prescient. After all, I did the same with her mother on the day she was born. They placed her next to me at the birth center, wearing a soft green t-shirt, and I told my freshly minted daughter that green was her color. You cannot imagine how very right I was.

Those same poppies are in bloom today, but we have no immediate plans to bring the kids over in the next two or three days. I hope they are still blooming when next they are here, just so I can show her.

She had a special "just grandpa and me" day. He took her to the climbing gym for the first time in months, and she did way better than before. She also enjoyed just dangling from the belay rope. The videos he sent home did look like fun.

Today was a day I had been waiting many months for, and not just because it was my mommy's birthday. (Yes, I did call and have a very pleasant visit with her.) It was also the release date for season 3 of Bridgerton. I got so wrapped up in everything else that was going on (mostly plant stuff) that I almost forgot to watch the first batch of episodes. I only had time for 2 of them this evening. Probably just as well. I wouldn't want to binge all in one day and have nothing left but wait a month for more.

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