Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Inspirational song: Wait for It (Hamilton)

Procrastination for the win!!

When I planted my Gertrude Jekyll rose, I was new to bareroot roses. I didn't soak it soon enough. I don't think I planted it deep enough at first. I watched the tiny buds on it shrivel and die. My heart shriveled as well. About a month after I planted it, I declared it dead. Everyone said just leave it, in case there was a chance something was alive. Sure, I did, but I had no hope. I called David Austin customer service, and they said take a photo of it and email it to them. I took pictures, but I never had the emotional spoons to write the email. (Yay executive dysfunction and low social battery.) Today out in the garden, Mr S-P asked me if I ever called them. Yes, I said, and explained about the delayed email. He pointed at it, and I saw the tiny new shoots on it. He handed me the hose, with the clear implication I should water it. Now I suppose tomorrow's task should be weeding around it heavily, as I had ignored it for a month.

I am on record as being firmly against Virginia creeper, in any circumstances. I gave up trying to rip it out in the backyard, when everything else out there just got out of hand. For a while, the Mr was using a volunteer stand of Virginia creeper as a sun shade for the hot tub. He let it climb up a patio support, and it covered the patio roof. I just couldn't be bothered to fight that battle, and he liked how the birds fed on the berries in the fall and winter, so what was I to do?

This evening, I stood by the patio, waiting for Murray to eat dinner, to be sure he ate all of his pill-laden cream cheese. I could hear activity up in the Virginia creeper above my head. It was absolutely packed with bees. I will assume it was a split between our north and south hives. Dammit. It has to stay now, doesn't it?

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