Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Day Out

Inspirational song: Papa Was a Rollin' Stone (The Temptations)

This is officially the season where I get to hear everyone's music as they roll down my street, windows open, and something-or-other blasting them into early hearing loss. Turns out, passers-by don't even need windows to do that. Some dude just cruised along with Papa Was a Rollin' Stone playing at top volume on a speaker on his motorcycle. Props for his taste in classic music, I suppose. 

We had our Rotary day out tour of a local business today. We split up and choose one of four locations for this annual program. My buddy and I chose to see the McLane facility, a food distribution company with a Colorado location. This one supplies candy to a ton of convenience stores, particularly 7-11, and some Walmart and Sam's, among others. The regional president and VP led our tour. It was very interesting, but wow, I could see the danger of sensory overwhelm in that bustling warehouse. Folks were zipping around on loaders and forklifts at alarming speeds, honking their horns to alert pedestrians. Some of the rooms had smells I couldn't handle, just a combination of too many ingredients I guess. Even when they said everyone liked being in the candy loading room, I was not enjoying it. The tour was great, but I wouldn't be a candidate to work there, for sure.

I have neglected to inspect my shade plants in the last few days. The sun is scorching my hostas. I need to erect a temporary shade structure in that section of the garden. Not sure what would do it. Maybe a decorative panel from Lowe's would be a good option for immediate results. It's going to be brutal out there for a few weeks. I'll need to do right by my shade plants. All of them, really.

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