Thursday, June 13, 2024

Spice Trade

Inspirational song: Wannabe (Spice Girls)

We're getting the band back together. Well, not a band, per se. But everyone who currently lives here is present and accounted for, once again. I retrieved Mr Smith Park from the airport this morning. We are glad to have him home, especially Murray. I'm glad his friend up north now has the old farm truck, which is appropriate, since she has a farm.

While he was gone, we heard anecdotes about happenings on the farm, like how the resident goat liked to remind the Mr who was boss by peeing on him. The cow stepped on his feet twice. And Steve the Barn Cat posed for lots of pictures. The projects he thought he was supposed to attack, like fixing the roof on the smokehouse, weren't high on the priority list, but trying (and somehow failing) to correct the wiring to the barn were more important.

This farm owner was a friend from his last deployment, the long one to Pakistan. Like him, she also indulged in purchasing way too many carpets. And she also wrote a cookbook, which we display in our kitchen. As a thank-you gift, for the labor and the truck, she sent home really neat spice blend packets that correspond to the recipes in that book. I will have to pick out some that could work for hot weather, and make dinner for everyone, several times over.

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