Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Grody to the Max

Inspirational song: Valley Girl (Frank Zappa)

Doing the math, it is possible and also astonishing that at minimum, it has been around two years since my last professional pedicure. More astonishing that it has probably been a lot longer than that. I'm surprised they didn't shoo me out the door in horror when I hobbled into a salon at noon today. 

My daughter and I spent a few hours together, including her getting a mani-pedi, and me just getting a pedicure. I would have loved to do both like she did, but my nails never really recovered after the second round of radiation. They shatter when I put on clothes. They're worthless. My daughter, on the other hand, has model-perfect nails right now. I'm so jealous, but I'm also older and have had more health issues than she. Let her enjoy her cute hands, now with sparkly green gel nails.

It was quite the busy day all around. I had my post-bloodwork follow-up with the new rheumatologist, and that went pretty well. No real surprises, meds renewed at current doses. She's really pushing me to go swimming to compensate for never doing physical therapy for the torn muscle in my hip (from years ago, that I've let deteriorate too much). I just have to conquer the ick factor of getting into a public pool, resulting both from other people's bodies and the idea of cold-wet touching my skin. Maybe I can just work on convincing the resident handyman to repair the hot tub here, and I can do the gentle resistance training at home. He's supposed to be home tomorrow, but I'll give him a few days to recover from his trip before I start adding to the repair requests.

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