Saturday, June 22, 2024

Get It Over With

Inspirational song: Blue Morning, Blue Day (Foreigner)

Be careful what you ask for, lesson number 94,450, subsection projects. I looked above the refrigerator, where there was still that awful creamed-corn yellow in the corner, and a visible cobweb, and said out loud, oh, that's something I should try to get to this weekend. Finish painting the kitchen. Mr S-P was standing four feet away from there when I said it, and he immediately turned and set down what he was holding, moved an object out of the way, and dragged the fridge out as far as it could go. It now blocked access to the pantry slash laundry room, which is also the cat room, so I had no choice but to begin work immediately. Fine. If I regretted speaking my mind right then, I regretted it much less when everything there was completed and the fridge was moved back. I even plugged in a plant light and set it on top, in the hopes of giving a little life back to the weak and neglected pothos that lives (barely) up there. I am not sorry to see the very last of the yellow gone. I really did hate it by the time I settled on a color to go over it.

I also forced myself to commit to painting the rest of this big open concept space. I painted the smallest bit of the corner in the dining room, up high where we keep the wifi router mounted on the wall. When we changed and updated it a month or so ago, I bought a tiny shelf at Hobby Lobby, and hung the router a little lower than the original. I have been talked into putting it back on the supports that the first one was on, so I painted that spot hoping someone taller than I (and less wobbly on stepladders) can set it firmly in place. With a two foot by one foot section painted a lighter blue, now I have no choice. I have to keep going, and I'll need another gallon of paint sooner than later.

I wanted to get more pictures, so that my thumbnail on Facebook isn't that yucky yellow and proof of how dirty it was behind the fridge for who knows how long. But I'm just not feeling it. Sometimes the truth is the truth, and you're capable of handling it.

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