Sunday, June 9, 2024

Side Quest

Inspirational song: Love Song (Sara Bareilles)

Fairly certain today was the one and only time I have ever gone to that particular mountain without Mr S-P present. It was... different. I believe I have said before that housemate number two is actually living in the cabin on the neighboring property to our acreage, and she stays with us so she doesn't have to commute quite so far to finish her college degree. For one of the classes she is taking during the summer term, she needed to create a short video to describe herself and what she holds dear. We went up to her cabin, she and I, and blocked out the camera angles and lines. Then we filmed the whole five-minute speech in one take (as assigned), and just about everything went as planned. There was one silly moment at the very beginning, and one loss of train of thought early on. The rest was fantastic, and even the animal actors, her dog and cat, hit their marks.

It was kind of amazing how fast the actual filming went, considering it is a two hour drive each way, and there was so much prep and planning going into it. It was also amazing traveling up there in a nice vehicle. She has a huge Chevy truck that is a loaner while hers is being repaired. A far cry from that bucket of bolts 4runner that car culture types swear to me is a valuable asset. (How??) 

I always forget until I'm there how hard it is for me to function at altitude. My legs feel heavier and the simplest of motions take so much more energy. Where we live is right around 5000 feet. This cabin is a little shy of 10000. Is this what it's like for athletic teams from sea level to come to Colorado to play games? No wonder we win more at home than away. I've been down the hill for six hours, and my muscles still hurt.

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