Friday, June 21, 2024

Moose and Squirrel

Inspirational song: Under the Sun (Marillion)

Every summer, at least once but usually more, we make time to go up to Rocky Mountain National Park. Specifically, we like to go up Trail Ridge Road, and feel like we are driving on top of the world. This year we chose the longest day to go up for the first time. Of course we took the kids. Val is finally tall enough she can see out the windows (somewhat) as we pass cool things, and D is strong enough that when grandpa said they would climb to the top of the mountain at the Alpine visitor center, he was as unstoppable as a tank all the way.

We bought lunch as Safeway before entering the park. We stopped early on to eat, where a park ranger was giving a talk and showing off antlers and horns from different animals. She had a Moose antler, a couple bighorn sheep horns, a skull (I think it was a sheep? I'll have to check photos), and various bits and bobs, like a hoof. While we ate, a moose and her calf wandered into a pond a couple hundred yards away. I will include a photo, but you probably won't be able to make out their location. While watching them walk around, I noticed a ground squirrel much closer to me. These were not the last park residents we would encounter.

I'm wondering if they way my docs tinkered with my medications has made both the heat of this summer and the low oxygen of altitude more problematic for me. I was way more dizzy than ever today, and I could barely stand up at the top of Trail Ridge. That's why I wandered the gift shop and sat in the restaurant while the others climbed the trail to the top. Once in the car, I zoned out, and by the time we were leaving Estes, I was asleep, and stayed that way most of the way home. I'm still sore and tired, six hours after we returned.

Last thing of note, as we got back to the tree line, on the way down, traffic was at a crawl. We didn't know what it was, but were making disparaging comments about tourists, as one does. Then we got to where we could see--two bull elks, one younger with messed-up antlers, and one absolute king of an elk, wandering leisurely along the edge of the road. The big guy turned randomly, and crossed in front of a car, and continued walking downhill along the center line. What a power move. What a goober. 

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