Friday, June 14, 2024

Park Gremlins

Inspirational song: Valerie Loves Me (Material Issue)

The Chaos Gremlins were running at peak performance today. Does there ever come a time when you don't feel like you've been trampled by a herd of wildebeest after grandparenting for a few hours? I'd like to get to that part, if so.

We had to zip down to Boulder as soon as we got the kids, to retrieve a misplaced cell phone, and on the way back we stopped at one of their favorite parks. This one has easy creek access, but with the spring runoff happening, the water was running way too high and fast to let children play in it. We walked along a trail for a while, climbed on giant ant sculptures, and then had them run full speed towards a playground. They are both of an age where we don't have to helicopter around them. Just turn them loose on a play structure and let them wear themselves down. We stopped at Lowe's on the way home, to try to get a part for our faucet (got the wrong one), and to pick up a few clearance irises and some lantana to freshen a flower pot whose spring pansies had died.

Once here, the kids continued to ping-pong off of everything. I can't describe all of the chaos, because I refuse to share things that are embarrassing or count as actual trouble-making. Some activities skirted up to the edge of both. Their mommy came to pick them up on the way to getting their daddy from work, and she sent a picture back of both of them passed out hard in their car seats. It was the least surprising result of all time. Play hard, sleep hard.

Find the boy in this photo:

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