Thursday, June 27, 2024

In Neutral

Inspirational song: Grace Kelly (Mika)

What's the phrase from Elf? Cotton-headed ninny-muggins? Something like that. I think that describes me pretty well lately. I've been remarkably spacy and forgetful, and if I've forgotten something I was supposed to do, say, send, attend, or anything else to or for you, I apologize for missing it. I had the worst time just now remembering what day it was. I spent two hours trying to come up with what Mr S-P said he was going to do tomorrow morning, and the conversation where he informed me couldn't have happened more than two hours before that. 

I've spent too much time watching videos and daydreaming. I have very little to show for the last week. I can come up with cute excuses, like the heat wave is melting my brain or whatnot. I don't think I could make anything like that stick, though. I'm just in a slump. I'm not interesting. I'm doomscrolling and bingeing on reels and shorts. (Facebook seems to think I want to watch a lot of resin pours and polymer clay lately. Where my plant videos at?) I kind of want to start art projects, but I'm slow to organize while there is still a person residing in my craft room whose privacy I respect. I don't like going in there to find my stuff unless I know exactly where it was located last. 

What I want to do, after watching "code orange" videos (people shopping for Halloween decor that has just dropped in stores) is make a spooky skull painting for display in October. It's been so long since I used most of my already-old paints, I should just buy new anyway. That means waiting until I get paid at the first of the month before I dare set foot in a craft store. The urge to create coupled with the need to wait for funding is freezing me in place in executive dysfunction.

I haven't been too prolific with my photos lately. I just looked around my room until I saw something vaguely pretty, and snapped that. Picture-taking might be a way to unblock my creative inertia. If the weather is decent, I'll try to get out and do more this weekend.

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