Monday, June 10, 2024


Inspirational song: Theme from Flood (They Might Be Giants)

Ah, the aspects of life with a handicapped pet. If they can't feel anything from the waist down, there is a good chance their bladder is included in that "anything." With the Mr off helping on a friend's farm for the last week, it fell to me and housemate number two to take care of Murray. I'm not able to get him in and out of the wheels, and no matter how much I squeeze, or how many places I push on him, I am singularly unable to express his bladder. Housemate has a little more success, but it's not easy for her either. Honestly, it has just gotten harder for everyone. So when I complained to the Mr over the weekend, saying we were hurtling towards yet another bladder infection, he said oh yeah, the vet said you could take him down anytime, and they could catheterize him. Well, geez. If I'd known.

We put him in the back of Mr S-P's daily driver car and hauled him to the vet. He likes being there (he goes often), so it wasn't a struggle to have him walk in. But he definitely looked uncomfortable as he hauled himself into the back room with the friendly tech. They were gone a very long time. When they finally re-emerged, that jaunty little lad was holding his head high and prancing over to the ladies at the desk, ready for his cookie. What a change in attitude. The tech made it sound like they got a couple liters of pee from him. He smiled so broadly from the car when we took him home.

I was happy to learn that my daughter was canceling our drive to Aurora, on the far southeast side of Denver. We were supposed to meet someone at a time that would put us on the road for all of rush hour. She wasn't up for it, and I was only reluctantly agreeing to the drive. We still ended up going out to a late lunch with the kids. Not sure how we got so lucky, but both kids appear to be going through growth phases that leave them extra emotional and on hair triggers, at the same time. Usually it's one or the other. I managed to get a couple good pictures during quiet times, like when the boy was intent on watching a Mario run-through on the phone, and when the girl wanted to take cute selfies with me. After lunch we went on a drive in the countryside, so D would take a nap in the car, and we discovered that V is fond of "dirty roads." We made sure we drove on as many packed dirt roads as possible after that.

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