Friday, December 4, 2015

Good Cheer

Inspirational song: What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)

I had to stop and think this evening, on the long drive home, how many years has it been since I worked somewhere that held an office holiday party, the kind that don't occur during normal business hours, and invites spouses and/or families? I suppose there was that one in 2009, when I was working at that mom and pop gift shop, but although it was after hours, I was technically still "staff," keeping sample trays stocked while invited customers were the real party guests. Maybe there was one where our families were allowed to come when I was working for the education center two years before that. Or maybe I have to go all the way back to my first job out of college, at the publishing house that used to hold one of the best Christmas parties in Boulder, way back in the 90s. I've been to twenty years' worth of holiday events connected to my man's job, but so few for my own. It was really nice to go to one tonight, with my new coworkers and bosses, and what a nice vibe it had compared to the one where I was only there on the clock.

I don't usually give out specifics, but I feel like I need to learn to market myself and be less shy. If I want business sent my way, I need to say out loud where I'm going to be working, so if any of you know of a person or family who needs to find a home in northern Colorado (really anywhere in the state), you know how to find me. I have just joined a young brokerage called Headwaters Realty. The owners come from two different but very compatible worlds, real estate and non-profits. The corporate philosophy is tightly centered on giving back to the community, and our festive holiday gathering ended in a project to create blankets to donate to a charitable organization that helps 18 year olds who are transitioning out of the foster program onto their own. These kids have nothing to start out with, and this organization helps them get set up. Every few months, my new brokerage finds organizations like this, and participates in some sort of project to raise money or to provide a tangible way to give to them directly. One of my coworkers recently completed a project to replace and repair chain link fencing for a dog rescue operation who pulls dogs from kill shelters to give them a second chance to find forever homes. Another coworker just held a benefit concert and solicited donations of used musical instruments to give to kids who couldn't otherwise afford them. These are the people I get to work with now, and I cannot tell you how excited I am to be in this group. I've worked in organizations before where employees were only out for their own interests, where bosses pitted employees against each other, and where aspirants would shiv you in the back to beat you to a promotion. I never want to be in that world again. I am exactly where I want to be, and where I need to be.

I need to get a haircut, and then get some professional head shots done, so I can get my business cards. Once I have a good portrait to put out, and provide a bio, they'll do a welcome-to-the-team feature on the Headwaters Facebook page, for me and for my classmate who has joined this brokerage with me. Now that we have both passed the exams, and found a perfect home for our talents, we are activating our licenses, and ready to take off running in this occupation. I'm fairly certain he is as happy as I am to be where we are, as freshly minted real estate professionals. This is going to be one fantastic ride.

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