Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Light and the Way Home

Inspirational song: The Twelve Pains of Christmas (Bob Rivers)

I wanted I write about my "field training" today. I shadowed the boss on a final walk through of an investment property, and sat quietly while a rapid, cash sale closing occurred. It was fascinating, being an observer rather than the buyer or seller. What was even cooler was understanding all the rapidly spoken instructions and explanations from the closing agent. The seller was present, which is unusual, and he was not a native English speaker. I don't know how well he absorbed every bit of information flashed in front of his face, but he seemed to have a sense of relief to have closed this chapter of his life. 

I spent hours at the office, going over more aspects of the job that I will need to know. There are still a bunch of things I'm stuck on, that I can't progress with until I get my license number. While it seems frustrating, I do need to keep in mind that I have only been with this company for two weeks today. It puts it in perspective and allows me to cut myself some slack.

I wanted to go into all of this in detail, but I just don't have it in me to control words well right now. My drive home was miserable, with the afternoon sun piercing my brain for the entire trip. I think it took twice as long to get here, and I could barely keep both eyes open by the time I crossed the county line. It has been months, maybe years, since the slanted sunlight affected me this badly. I've lost the entire evening to migraine. I feel awful still, many hours later. I took three pictures of the fixer-upper today, but I'm not going to post them, while I can't use my brain well enough to decide whether I actually should show them. 

Where's the Advil?

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