Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Good for Goodness Sake

Inspirational song: Here We Come A-Wassailing (Traditional Carol)

Hm. Perhaps it isn't such a good idea to state "I'm having eggnog handed to me. I will not complain about how it is prepared." I'm fairly certain that fat little mug was 50% spiced rum. Or more. It sort of tasted like Christmas, with a heavy dose of college dorm party thrown in. Now I'm stuck with too much sleepiness and not enough creative energy left to close out the night. All in all that shouldn't be a bad thing. Many people would be happy to be this relaxed and languid at bedtime. Perhaps I can make this a quick recap and then let the slumber take hold.

My only jobs over today and tomorrow were to work towards getting my license activated and to learn the inner workings of the web site. I completed one of those tasks successfully. I have applied for my license, and paid nearly $500 for the privilege. (One day the commission checks will arrive, right?) It could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to be official, but we are all hoping that by performing the entire application process online, the turnaround time should be shorter. As for the web site, I haven't gotten very far on that yet. It will come to me, it's just taking its time getting here. The technology is going to be what makes or breaks my career, so I can't wait too long for the magic to happen.

I find myself zoning out, looking at the twinkling Christmas lights or flipping through the unedited proofs of my head shots. So much has happened to me in the last few weeks, I just can't process it all. I need several nights in a row where little is expected of me. I might not get that wish, though. I shouldn't complain. The work is welcome because it means I am on my way to a rewarding new career. I'll take it and be glad.

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