Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hold On

Inspirational song: These Boots Are Made for Walking (Nancy Sinatra)

I probably could have come up with a fun and exciting post for tonight, but I had all the joy in my heart slowly drained from me. Two live chats and two phone calls sucked years off of my life. But I did knock about thirty percent off of my satellite tv bill. I suppose that made it all.... tolerable. But now I am left wondering, what is the deal with hold music? With all of the possibilities for beautiful and crisp digitally reproduced sound, why does hold music sound like it is blasting through an air raid siren speaker? Is that just so it is so awful, that you notice immediately when it stops assaulting your ears (after you set your phone down to save your eardrums) and pay attention to the customer service rep you've been waiting ages to pick up the line? It must be, because all of the places I call who use it can certainly afford better music than something that sounds like it's on an old, well-used answering machine cassette tape.

Yeah, I should have been giddy. Christmas is coming early to me. I treated myself to new boots, I ordered a new refrigerator, and I have an interview tomorrow that could possibly be the best thing to happen to me in years. All that, and I haven't even put up my tree or lights yet. But after two hours of trying to update my tv package (at a price I find acceptable), I'm used up. 

Everybody think happy thoughts for me. Wednesday is the big day.

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