Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Inspirational song: Yellow (Coldplay)

Park West is definitely wearing her summer colors this month. I've always loved the distinct progression of colors through the seasons, from the first whites and pinks in the spring, through the the early yellows and oranges, bold summer reds and purples, to the fall rusts and golds, and even into the browns and evergreens of winter. I noticed that it's a heavy red week in the Unless garden. Not sure why, but of the three colors of gladiolas that we planted, so far only the deep reds have bloomed. There are still some vivid snapdragons and petunias complementing the glads, and my ornamental grass is even reddening at its tips. The only things that haven't properly reddened out there are the tomatoes, but it's early yet. Another few weeks.

Yesterday was the third day in a row for me to overstress myself. The real kicker was spending hours in the heat and sun (when I couldn't avoid it) walking around downtown trying to do some legwork for our big Rotary event in August. I saw the caution lights flashing, and I heeded the warning. I spent most of the day moving exceptionally slowly. I slept late, wandered around in a bathrobe doing almost nothing, and when I needed it, I napped. I am long past the point of feeling like I need to ask permission for days like this. I have to recover so that I don't get sicker than I have to be. If I had only known to do this all along, and not kept pushing through fatigue, I might have been in better shape all along the way. I kick myself when I think about all those times that I lived a little more dangerously, saying stupid things like "I like to challenge my immune system; keep it running strong." Yeah. It was strong all right. It was beating the hell out of me and I didn't know it. This is a much better system. After resting sufficiently, I was able to go out and work outside, once it cooled off. I may have this figured out.

I keep meaning to give a shout out to a dear person who thought of me a couple weeks ago. I used to write all the time about my mah jongg master who lived at the other end of my neighborhood in Charleston. She shared my appreciation for the classic wrought iron gates in the historic homes in town. We were particularly fond of the Sword Gates, one of which was at the Citadel, one of which was on a private residence on Legare Street. We've bought trivets that had the pattern of the gate on them, and little art pieces of it. What I always looked for was the design replicated on a piece of jewelry, and I never found it. Recently, I got a surprise package in the mail. The mah jongg master had found silver pendants of the Sword Gate, and she sent me one as a gift. She had one for herself, and I'm hoping she sent one to a mutual friend of ours who I know liked that gate too. I like being a twin with her, but triplets would be even better. I've worn it every day since I got it. It's absolutely perfect.

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