Friday, July 15, 2016

Retail Therapy

Inspirational song: I Want Candy (Bow Wow Wow)

I cannot remember a time in my life when shopping all day did not wear me out. Surely there was some brief moment when I had energy to do this for hours at a time and not feel like I'd run a marathon with a rucksack on? Seven hours of driving all over town in search of a specific kind of candy (more like in a specific size) did me in. My partner and I did multiple laps around four giant stores, in search of something that we weren't sure was available at this time of year. We were tasked with finding 1200 pieces of fun sized candy. Everyone has mixed bags of miniatures. They were everywhere. They weren't necessarily cheap, but they were available. We could find fun size (the bigger ones), but in small quantities, for a whole lot more money. I kept insisting that we could get big bags at Costco, but she didn't want to make the half hour drive. At the third big store, we found strips of candy bars, 12 fun size chocolate-based candy bars for a couple bucks each. We got enough that each of our 400 treat bags would have at least one chocolate bar, plus a few extras for good measure. Then I finally convinced her to let me drive us to Costco, where I'd planned on going all along. We bought another five 92 ounce bags of other candies, like gummi bears and Skittles to fill out the other two thirds of our candy requirements for the same dollar amount as the first third. I kept wanting to say I told you so, but I let it go.

I haven't taken many chances to spend all day with girlfriends, just shopping and gossiping. For it being so rare, I took advantage of having a buddy with me today and shopped for a lot of girl stuff while we were out. I've been struggling with summer weight shirts that are appropriate for me to wear in a professional setting, like the open house I have coming up this weekend. I tried on at least ten different things, in search of an appropriate loose white blouse with longer sleeves I could wear when it's hot out, and hated every one. I ended up buying two cheap white ladies cut t-shirts, telling myself I could just put a statement necklace over them and call it good. It was fun having someone to sit outside the fitting room, to tell me what looked good, and to show up with dresses to try. Not sure when I'll have an opportunity to wear the sort of dresses she was trying to convince me to buy. Not really work appropriate.

I'm getting super busy these days. It's a lot like being back in the spouses club in Charleston. I'm doing a whole lot of activities, spending a bit of money in pursuit of volunteerism, and not seeing much of an income to refill the coffers. I feel like I'm getting close to the business starting to pay off, though. My clients are very serious about buying houses. They're looking at a lot of properties. It's just a matter of time before the contracts are signed. Then I'll make money as well as I spend money.

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