Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Keep Trying Everything

Inspirational song: Just Keep Swimming (Finding Nemo)

I'm pretty sure there was an episode of the original Star Trek series, in which Kirk's timestream is sped up, and he moves at superspeed while everyone else is seemingly motionless. I have been feeling like that this week. Not that I'm moving faster, but time is passing at the wrong speed and everyone around me is frozen. Maybe I'm unreasonable about the amount of time I'm allowing for responses and what-not. I've just been overwhelmed by the need for NOW-NOW-NOW, and apparently not everyone in the world, or even in town, is interested in taking on my sense of crisis. Understandable. But still. NOW!

So the good news is, according to my boss, my offer writing skills are definitely improving. Doesn't help me when someone swoops in at the last minute with an escalation clause that can beat the one I've written, but I'm still taking steps forward. I just wish I could provide a successful outcome to my clients. We will keep throwing things at the wall, and eventually something is going to stick. I can't give up now.

Colorado is unlike the rest of the country in a lot of ways, but one thing that absolutely surprised me about our uniqueness was that we have a state-sponsored team of acupuncturists who can be (and are currently) mobilized to come in and provide stress-relieving therapies in times of crisis. We had a presentation today by one such trio of women. They had been working with the first responders who were battling the Cold Springs fire above Nederland, giving a simple therapy in group settings to the firefighters and others. It was a fairly standard calming technique, according to them, where they pop a couple needles in the ears of the stressed out members of these groups, and let them sit for ten or fifteen minutes before pulling the needles out. I have never before in my life tried acupuncture, and hey, I know a thing or two about stress these days, so when the ladies went around the room offering to demonstrate, I was one of the twenty or thirty people who signed their release form and gave over my ears to their needles. It was a little weird, and I must say it was a mistake to try to put my glasses back on (the needle had popped through all the way on my right side, and the glasses irritated my ear). I sat for the recommended time, and was somewhat relieved when it was time to pull them out. They said that some people feel calmer immediately, while the needles are in. Others may not feel it until that night. Me, I'm still waiting for complete relaxation. No sign of that yet. Maybe if I go float in the tub a while. Or maybe with my toxic level of stress, I am going to have to wait until the next crazy scheme to calm me down. Not sure this one is going to work.

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