Saturday, July 16, 2016


Inspirational song: Pressure (Billy Joel)

Pretty sure that somewhere in the two hour massage this morning, I had my brains squeezed out. I am so sleepy and so all over tired, even after a serious nap this afternoon, that must be my excuse. A whole week at normal person levels of activity might be it too. I have been pushing it pretty hard, and I'm getting things done. I just need to hold it together one more day, to make it through my first open house in Boulder County (come on, Boulder peeps, make me your agent!) and then I can spend all day Monday in recovery.

I'm back in my role of Art Czar for the club. I arrived late to volunteer to paint signs for our Rotary float (the reason I bought 30 pounds of candy yesterday, to hand out) for the parade that signals the opening of the county fair. No one held my tardiness against me. Most of them were jealous that I allowed myself such a long massage. But it meant that non-artistic types had most of the signs made before I got there. When I sat down with a real paintbrush that I'd brought from home, as opposed to the sponge brushes the other people had, they knew I was serious. A couple of the signs the other people made were just fine, and I would never criticize them. But some of them were definitely not artistic types, and other people in the volunteer group asked me to touch them up a little bit. I have permission from two people to do that to the ones they made, but not the third. I feel really weird about doing that when people took time out of their busy schedules to help out, and it seems sort of presumptive. But I'm being pressured to do it, so I will do it. It feels weird to have all these signs around my living room. I'm not used to having words as art, and it jars me.

I need to find time to get into my yard and be a dutiful Park Ranger. The grass out back is getting tall, and I need to weed-eat around the entire property. If only I had a day without any demands, where it wasn't too hot, or raining like someone above us had a fire hose pointed down. I can do this, surely. Surely. Things are progressing there without me. I found a lot more ripe raspberries, tomatoes that are starting to go from green to red, and two lumps that look like they may be pumpkins someday this year. Or other squashes. Or squirrel food. Yet to be seen.

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