Monday, July 11, 2016

Tahiti Village

Inspirational song: Candy-O (The Cars)

Forget the old Alfred E Neumann "What, me worry?" face. I am worried. I am stressed. I am overwhelmed. I am freaked the F out. I am wondering what the hell I've gotten myself into this week. Haven't I been lying around, playing puzzles on the iPad, barely getting out of my bathrobe? Well, not this week, baby. Since yesterday my life has been go, go, go, and the pace is only going to accelerate this week. On the way home tonight, my roommate and I stopped in to the grocery store to get stuff for a late dinner, and I detoured to the candy aisle, to get something to nervously chew on the way home. Not two blocks from the store, at one of the busiest intersections in town, I aspirated a little and nearly choked on a Milk Dud. Such a sad ending for a girl, brought low by cheap chocolate and caramel. It was very nearly my epitaph.

I've made another offer with clients who are good friends, and it took us most of the day to get all the pieces together, coordinating with all of the other people whose hands had to be in this pie. Now the nervous waiting game has begun, and I know my old buddy is every bit as freaked out as I am. I talked to him on the phone as I drove home, and I could hear in his voice the same level of tension that's in mine. I wish I could help calm him down, but I got nothing this time.

I had forgotten that I promised to go to an event with a Rotary friend tonight, but I made it there on time. It was a little more than I had bargained for, and part of it felt a whole lot like being in a timeshare condo sales pitch. There was more to the meeting than my small participation part, and it went very long. I missed eight phone calls while I sat there. My back pocket was buzzing so much, I didn't realize it was anything other than my own nerves. The moment it ended, while they were still looking at us to see whether we'd bite on the sales pitch, I had to run out of the room and dash to my car. I felt bad, but I had explained going in what was happening to my friend who invited me. I'll see her tomorrow and make sure we are still cool.

Tomorrow I have to run to a training meeting at work in the morning, race back for Rotary at noon, go to an on-site meeting for a fundraiser immediately after. Following that, I go with my committee partner to discuss a trophy I need to create and solicit donations or participation teams from downtown businesses. Then I am skipping one big Rotary party to go to a smaller event with another friend tomorrow (that hopefully won't end up feeling like the sales pitch from tonight).

All of this, and I'm falling behind on the prep work I have to do for the court date for the separation. Nobody ask me to pick up any more errands, okay? I have more on my plate than I can chew. Speaking of which, what did I do with those candies?

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