Monday, September 12, 2016

Transition Season

Inspirational song: Point of Know Return (Kansas)

It's lovely, finally being back to the point where I can spend the entire day, from sunup to bedtime, in a flurry of activity, and not feel like I've been run over by a truck. Lupus is a disease of flares and remissions, and if I had any doubt I was marching towards remission, days like today teach me to trust the proof I've been given. I cleaned and organized steadily throughout the day, spent enough time working real estate to feel like I put sufficient effort into it, and still had energy by the end of the day to go on a long walk with my roommate. I feel like myself again, and I am so happy to have me back. I still have a few moments of pain and fatigue, but they are short and manageable. It's possible that if I stay on the medications as prescribed, and follow the diet and exercise plans that have proven effective thus far, I might translate this remission period into a long term reversal of symptoms. I'll never feel like I've beaten lupus completely. It is still incurable, and I won't ever get to go off medications again. If science advances in the future, and there becomes a gene therapy or a stem cell derived cure, then great. For now, I have a way to keep the wolves at bay, and I am sticking with it.

I'm enjoying the steady transition from summer into autumn. Summer is my least favorite time, but to me, autumn is the best. I may not be a pumpkin spice girl, but I definitely fall into the orange clove camp. While I cleaned house today, I dug out the scented wax melts and the all purpose cleaners that made the whole house smell like citrus and cloves. There might be a handful of days left this month that approach 90 degrees or better, but as far as I'm concerned, it's officially fall now. I have a trio of chrysanthemums ready to plant up front, my long sleeved shirts are coming out into rotation, and I'm cooking with cinnamon and nutmeg already. It's the time for football and backyard campfires. I'm still waiting for my special day of the year, the first time it's gray and drizzly and chilly all day. Tomorrow had the potential to be that day, but the forecast has ratcheted upwards and the rain chances down as the week advanced. Maybe I can go pick up a new rust or mustard colored rib-knit sweater while I wait for the right chance to wear it. It won't be long now.

(Some notes regarding tonight's pictures: I mentioned it when my mother posted a link to the blog from a few days ago, but didn't announce it here. Agnes has reappeared. She was deep in hiding for four long days, but she decided not to torture me any longer. I am so relieved. Also, I neither acquired a new dog nor developed a sudden loyalty to the Kansas City Chiefs. I went to watch a game with my neighbor Sunday, and young Mister Barley kept us company on the couch. He was so charming, and is adapting well to watching his daddy be loud and boisterous during the first football season of his life. Good dog, Barley.)

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