Sunday, June 6, 2021

Whatever Works

Inspirational song: Killing Moon (Echo & the Bunnymen)

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by inexplicable tension to the point you soothe yourself with a distraction that shouldn't be the right answer, but somehow is? I was agitated today, during the moments I wasn't still wiped out from trying to cram too much activity in last week, and I found myself listening to a true crime podcast for five whole hours. Maybe giggling over horrible things people have done to each other isn't necessarily the proper response, but it took my mind off of current events just as well as watching animal videos usually do. And hey, now I know (in theory) that dissolving a body in a strong concentration of sulfuric acid mostly works, but the reason burning isn't a good DIY method is because bodies are primarily water. Never thought about that before. Maybe I ought stick to watching that rug cleaning guy when I'm stressed, instead of choosing creepy, dark podcasts.

Next week is going to be busy as heck for me. I hope I remember to pause, take some pictures, and pick out details to make good posts. I was too busy listening to other people's misdeeds to get into any good or bad trouble for myself today. I went digging through my photos, to see whether anything recent would work for today, and found a screenshot I had taken of my work email inbox. I had sent it to my nuclear family, to show them just how nuts the real estate market is these days. There was a headline today saying the average -- average!-- home in Denver just hit $700,000 for the first time. Man, if I had a few more active clients, I would be making a killing in this market. Unfortunately, my timing sucks for catching those few friends who can buy or sell at the moment they are looking to do it. It is getting better, but maybe it is time to be more vocal about it, so those folks think of me when they need an agent. 

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