Monday, February 19, 2024

Don't Dream It, Be It

Inspirational song: Dreams (Fleetwood Mac)

Been having a lot of fun with dreams and coincidences lately. A couple of days ago, I dreamt that we were on a trip to Italy when the Kitten Distribution System caught up with me, and a little brown kitten decided she was coming home with us. (In the dream, I was trying to get her out of the street, for fear of traffic. I first said "come here," but my dream brain said no, speak to her in Italian so she understands, and all I could come up with was "ecco, ecco!") A few hours later my mother sent me a link on messenger to a story about some really cute rare brown kittens. The thumbnail picture was exactly the same as the one I had dreamt of.

This evening, housemate number one said they dreamed that we bought a farm, and some cool but dangerous geological events were happening (they described some kind of geothermal ejections that would splatter all over the place, attracting curious townsfolk). They described a house with a lake on it, and some other details, and I laughed and said, what, like the farm I lust after, that is up for sale for six and a half million? Apparently I had yet to show them the listing on realtor, and when I pulled it up, they said yeah, that was very much like the dream place. We then talked about how one could afford such a property, and failing being born wealthy or earning a million and a half a year in a job, my remaining hope is winning the lottery. I believe it was my dad who compared the chances of winning it to being struck by lightning while simultaneously being eaten by a shark, so as yet it remains but a dream.

I have some seriously cute animals telling me it is almost bedtime, so maybe if I go now, I can dream about something else unlikely but really, really fun.

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