Sunday, February 4, 2024

Let the Algorithm Decide

Inspirational song: Ride the Tiger (Jefferson Starship)

I should have put more brain bits into planning what I would write about tonight. I just crawled into bed with zero idea about what would be interesting. I've just spent the last several hours since the kids went home playing all the weird stuff on YouTube that the algorithm suggested. There was something about "forget flossing, use xylitol for good oral health," and "are autistic people calmer when they have fevers," and a Q & A with a person who labels herself a "chaos magician." I've had no rules, just clicks tonight. It's been fun.

This all started when I decided I needed a hot bath after sending the children on their way. I poured in bubble bath, Epsom salts, and what I think might have been a CBD bath fizzy. I don't know that any of that made much of a difference. I'm still kind of sore. But my attitude is good, and that seems productive. I took my iPad to the tub with me, set a tall glass of lemon water on the edge, and just started playing videos. I'll probably keep going once the blog is posted. Gotta finish the one from the dentist who said don't floss. It was a long video, and I'm kind of invested in hearing her conclusions at this point.

We had a pretty active day. Dmitri is getting much better at letting us know what he wants to convey. Only a few of his words are clearly enunciated, but I've learned what a lot more of the others mean as well. Valerie and I went shopping while the boy napped. We old people wanted to have steak for dinner to test out a new seasoning rub we got at Costco yesterday, so she and I went to the store, just us two. She was very entertaining, and she had a marvelous time inside and out in the parking lot, where she stomped on every lump of slush between the car and the door. She's just a few months shy of four now, and it feels like she has zoomed up in her maturity. Such a smart, funny kid. Her little brother is pretty sharp too.

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