Tuesday, February 20, 2024

I'm Melting

Inspirational song: Jump (Van Halen)

We are having a slight disagreement in terms over what constitutes "hot." I am roasting, and pushing cats off my lap, while the Mr is saying he is still cold from wearing shorts outside after sundown. The thermostat downstairs in the TV room also powers the radiator in the upstairs living room (who wired that one?) and because our couch-surfer popped it up a tad, temps in here are hovering around 69 degrees. That's warm for indoors during February, right? Am I being unreasonable for thinking fondly of opening the window tonight so I can sleep? 

I just spent two hours in a zoom training, half an hour longer than it was scheduled. It was covering stuff I was trained on two years ago, and two years before that, and two years before that too. This time around I didn't bother to have pen and paper for notes. I am familiar with the process and I know the script and the mathematical formulae are all there in the packets. I can run this meeting with my eyes closed. I might have that opportunity. I don't picture a big turnout for caucus this year, when the highest office we will be selecting will be the CU regent at-large candidate (well, delegates to go on to assembly from here). There is a non-zero chance I could be the only one to turn out, to apportion our two delegates. If that is the case, we would only use one, and I wouldn't be able to get out of going to assembly later. (I'd prefer to give that opportunity to someone else.) Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my precinct really cares about who runs the university system, or whatever it is that the regents actually do, other than jack up the school colors for a decade, like they did in the 70s. ("Sky blue at 10,000 feet." Sheesh.)

I was supposed to bake a cheesecake this afternoon, but I was so tired by the time I got home from Costco, where I restocked on eggs for said cheesecake. By the time this training was over, not only was my body mostly tired, my brains were melting out of my ears. I'll bake tomorrow. And all the other things I need to do before game night. 

Oh, and look at this sexy car that was parked at Costco. I love a maroon ride.

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