Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Familiar Surroundings

Inspirational song: Cuts You Up (Peter Murphy)

Good thing I got my botox touch up this morning. I ended up sitting under fluorescent lights for hours this evening, and it would have really been miserable if that set off a full migraine. Seeing my neurologist today was fun, as usual, if one doesn't count the 30-odd needle sticks into my face, scalp, and neck. He's always cheerful and friendly. For the first time that I can remember, he got me good with one of the needles. I told him the blood smear in my hairline just made me look like a badass.

Last night, when it was time to power down and turn my brain off, part-time housemate and I went downstairs to watch Fellowship of the Ring on the big TV. The way I was sitting, on the walkway side of the couch, with my feet up, was awkward in relation to how she had her laptop and desktop computers set up around her. To do anything in the room, she had to climb over things. Did I move my feet? No. Do I regret that? I did once she had a nasty fall and I was convinced it was because I was in the way. The floor down there is basically bamboo planks over concrete. Not a lot of cushion. And she twisted a lot of important bits on her way down.

She was still hurting pretty badly this afternoon, and she asked me to drive her to the ER to get x-rayed. We went to the hospital just before 5, and we left after 9. It's the second time in about a month I had to hang out there for hours on end. This time was slightly harder for the fact that there was a kid who sounded like they were not much older than Valerie, who howled in agony on two separate occasions. It sounded like emotional as well as physical pain. My poor grandma heart couldn't stand it. They also had two major trauma cases come in, so it was a busy night. We understood, even if it did feel like forever for us to get out of there. At least darling Dice was a perfect service dog, and behaved like a champ.

Our friend was told she had no broken bones, and was given a boot and instructions to elevate and ice. She has my loaner cane as well. If she's not seeing significant improvement in a week, then it will be orthopedist time. Let's hope for quick healing.

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