Saturday, February 3, 2024

Heavy Early

Inspirational song: Ooh, Baby Baby (Linda Ronstadt)

No one around here really believed it would snow. Even our beloved Crispy Donkey (Denver weatherman Chris Bianchi) struggled with giving a solid prediction. All the models were all over the place. Best he could say for days was that a firehose of water was coming in from the west, and some places would get snow, some rain, some nothing. It all depended on when and where the other air masses would slam into it. I never found out whether this was the same system affecting California, the one they call the Pineapple Express. It wasn't until yesterday or even this morning they started to swear most of us would see something.

When we woke up to the same rain we'd listened to all night, we weren't surprised. It was a heavy soaking rain until almost eleven. Only then did it switch to big, fat, wet snow. It quickly got slushy and nasty. It snowed for several hours, clinging to everything, especially the cars. We took the kids shopping, as we often do on weekends, and it was a little hard to see out of the car windows a couple times. Walking across the slushy Costco parking lot in highly inappropriate canvas sneakers was a choice. I have regrets.

Kids were fun today. We discovered Valerie was more interested in playing with her valentine candy necklace, and Dmitri was far more interested in eating his. We haven't had drawing on the list of approved activities for a while (didn't want a certain boy loose in the house with writing implements), but it made a return. I was told Valerie has moved into drawing figures, but I couldn't convince her to show me. She just copied what her brother did.

Oh, and still no manjula joy. I shall persevere.

(no, I do not know why my pictures have been rotating lately. I've mostly just been giving up and deleting them rather than fighting junk that refuses to orient correctly.)

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