Saturday, February 17, 2024

Twelve Hours Later

Inspirational song: Freewill (Rush)

Eagle-eyed regular readers might have caught this: yes, indeed, I skipped writing Friday night. I was 100% incapable of stringing together enough words even to post a placeholder. Yesterday's babysitting was solo for the first five hours (nearly), and it left me so tired and sore, that by six pm I had given in and taken the stronger version of muscle relaxant I keep for just such emergencies. It took over an hour for it to work to relax my cramped body, but once it did, I was gone quickly. I slept for about three hours where I sat, and then as the lights on timers went out, I woke just enough to drag myself to the bedroom. I did not bother to brush my teeth or change out of the casual, stretchy clothes I had on. I was glad I managed to choke down the four small pills I take at bedtime. I woke briefly several times through the rest of the night, as I tend to on any other night, but I wasn't ready to move until somewhere between seven and eight. I needed all twelve hours of sleep, and I couldn't have passed on it to save my life.

Today may end much the same way. We have been planning for over a week to tackle the first round of garage cleanup. Our housemate was all ready to move on it, completely unprepared for just how monumental a task it is. She thought we could clear out one whole car bay today. Oh, sweet summer child. No. It is way harder than that. We got through the back section that leads to the back door, which was mostly tubs of carpets from Pakistan and Christmas decorations, plus the junk on top of and just beside the beer fridge. I worked on a few items right next to the door, and got very frustrated by how many times I was overruled when I announced items were trash. Still, progress was made. And now I'm tired and sore again, plus my tummy is upset.

Here are a handful of the photos that were supposed to be available for last night and today. I don't really have time to analyze them much, so I hope there is no personally identifying information visible.

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