Saturday, September 14, 2024

Bird, Plane, Super Baby

Inspirational song: Blister in the Sun (Violent Femmes)

The local airport held a big airshow today. Having gone to several in my youth and at least one in my younger adulthood, there is one thing I know for certain: I have no business being at airshows any longer. The sun is too hot and unrelenting. Standing around on hot and reflective concrete hurts. The noise overstimulates me. So while the whole rest of the family went to admire the planes and watch them do loop-de-loops in the air, Avery and I stayed home and had a lovely time rocking, sleeping, drinking milk, burping, and pooping. I will let you just imagine who did the most of what. 

The gang at the air show had a great time, even if they spent most of their time in line for the food trucks. They did get to see fun things, that they shared with me in video form. There was even a fly-by from a C-130 Hercules, the air frame Mr S-P used to maintain when he was enlisted, in the last century. (Man, that makes me feel old.) 

The kids eventually picked up Avery and went home, and the Mr decided he needed some peace and quiet and went to his favorite fishing spot in the mountains. I retired to my bedroom, to the only TV that picks up over-the-air broadcasts, so I could watch the Rocky Mountain Showdown. For the 7th year in a row, CU has beat CSU, and I would feel bad about that if not for several of those years, it was one of the only games we won. We needed something in all those depressing seasons. It looks like they successfully shook off all the bad juju from last week, from letting Nebraska manhandle them. Next week is the first conference game, and now that they are back in the Big 12, that means Baylor. It is also homecoming (already!), but I declined to buy alumni band tickets. I have too much going on to attend. I hope it's on TV, though. I'd watch from home if I can.

Update from yesterday's vaccine boosters-- I think I'm feeling a little sluggish after all. I have a lot of body aches. More than I live with on a daily basis, that is. Now, it could have come from an accidental glutening, when I made a PBJ using a jar of jelly that came from the cabin. (A knife that touched wheat bread went into that particular jar of jelly, and that was all it took to ruin my day.) It might be a combo of both factors. I'm leaning towards the shots making all my joints aching, though.

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