Friday, September 20, 2024

Hunting and Gathering

Inspirational song: The Boys Are Back in Town (Thin Lizzy)

We have been trying to facilitate time for each of the grandkids to get special one-on-one time as we can afford it, sometimes with one of us, sometimes with their parents. Today was Valerie's turn to have a daddy daughter day. They went downtown, had lunch, and I think they went to the library. From the little I know of their itinerary, it sounded like they had a blast. 

While they were having their special day, my daughter and I took the boys grocery shopping. When confronted with the choice of which King Soopers to go to, she suggested we do something really chaotic, and go to the large one out in Firestone. So we did. It was ten or fifteen miles out of the way, but I had been told to stay gone a while, to provide Mr S-P a chance to back his truck into my usual parking place so he could unload heavy things from it. This was an easy way to make a simple task take an extra long time. 

Less than a minute before we arrived at the store, Dmitri sacked out in his car seat. We tried to set him up with a soft space to sleep in the cart, but he immediately woke up and was all cute and groggy. He was being so clever and funny with the things he asked for. He didn't actually ask for an apple, however. He grabbed one off the display I foolishly paused near, and as I tried to wrestle it away from him, he ducked down and took a bite of it. He knew that if he did that we had to give in and buy it. Stinker.

Not even the big King Soopers had everything I needed for that new cinnamon roll recipe. It calls for millet and sorghum flour, so we had to stop at a Natural Grocers to complete the list. For all the driving around I had to do, and specialty ingredients I had to acquire, these things had better be the best cinnamon rolls of all time. For that matter, I hope I successfully motivate myself into baking them. I would be so mad at myself if I ended up blowing it off after all this.

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