Saturday, September 7, 2024


Inspirational song: Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me (Warren Zevon)

Well that was ugly. Painful. Familiar.

Buffs couldn't get out of their own way in the first half. Huskers played well enough, don't get me wrong. But the Buffs buffed several times in the first half. The second half was better, but not better enough. By then there were a lot of injuries to some of our key players, and two, maybe three players ejected for targeting. The final score was 28-10, which doesn't nearly describe the agony that game was to watch. I made myself watch all of it. By the end, I was just hoping that these guys were learning valuable lessons from this humiliating defeat. Like never let yourself feel this way again.

My night got better once it was over, and housemate 1 asked if I wanted to go outside and watch the solar sail go overhead. This is an experimental craft that NASA is testing, to see whether photon-based propulsion is feasible. As fast as that little speck of light went over us, my gut says yes!

The only pictures worth sharing are proof that even Saoirse couldn't bear to watch that game.

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