Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Chop Chop

Inspirational song: Put Your Head on My Shoulder (Paul Anka)

Aw, bless her, she tried. My hair stylist has super straight hair, which is admittedly gorgeous. I suspect she spends most of her styling time making her own and other people's straight hair look amazing. But curly or wavy hair? I'm not so sure she has much experience making defined curls. We took care to get the length and cut just where I wanted it, but even though she tried hard on the style, it fell a little flat. Literally. She sprayed water on it and used a little product, and I flipped my hair forward and back while she diffused it. It still came out mostly frizzy and shaped all weird. But I'm not mad. I'm pretty sure when I get it sopping wet tomorrow and put curl defining cream in it, it will be just fine. I'm so relieved to have it shorter again.

I went by to drop off an Amazon package with the kids (I made a combo order and this one was theirs.) Valerie was absolutely engrossed in Minecraft, and barely acknowledged me. Dmitri jumped off the couch calling "grandma!!" and ran to give me a hug. That made me feel 10 feet tall. He was supposed to be napping, so it's possible he was just latching on to an excuse to delay it. Grandma is more wily than that, however. Within 10 minutes, I had lured him onto my lap, while I held up train videos on my phone for him to zone out to. It took a fair bit, but he fell deeply asleep. He stayed there for two hours before he stirred at all, and that was to briefly sit up, adjust, and curl up on his side, even more cuddly than before. So there I sat, watching the girls play Minecraft, and letting a bag of bricks snore against me. Could not have had a better afternoon.

Once Dmitri finally woke enough to stand under his own power, I was immediately handed a much smaller boy. Avery went through the full range of his available emotions in a short time frame. He was fussy, burpy, hungry, alert, sleepy, and smiley just as he drifted off into deep sleep. So I got to grandma two separate boys off to dreamland. (Yes, I just used grandma as a verb.) I'm riding pretty high about now. 


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