Friday, September 6, 2024

Goodest Kids

Inspirational song: Rikki Don't Lose That Number (Steely Dan)

Saoirse was the bestest good girl today. No pulling on the leash, even though she hadn't gotten to go anywhere in ages. Hopped into the car and sat like a princess. Greeted the humans she encountered at the vet like an ambassador. Sat still on the scale. And she loved on the tech and doctor like she wanted to be adopted by them each in turn. She got three shots, and tolerated them drawing her blood for heartworm test (required for the preventative shot). She passed everything with flying colors, and was rewarded with a trip through Ziggi's for a pup cup (and mommy was rewarded with a fireside latte). 

We needed two shopping carts at King Soopers today. It was a big time reload kind of trip. I'm glad I had emptied my trunk before we left, because we barely fit everything in. Had to put a couple totes in the two empty car seats. Valerie occupied the third. As much as my daughter needed this time around, I am dreading what trips will be like when the boys hit adolescence. We will need to take a full-size pickup. I helped her unload her haul, and I haven't recovered yet, six hours later.

We had a short bonus visit with our son-in-law and a couple of the kids. Avery still looks at me like he doesn't think red hair is trustworthy. He stares at my hairline when I hold him. Does this mean I need to go back to a color closer to what I had growing up? Will he guilt me into it? Back me up here, folks. I can keep the red, right?

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