Monday, September 2, 2024

Bluing Continues

Inspirational song: Blue (Da Ba Dee) (Eiffel 65)

Everything hurts, but at least I know how I got here. (Record scratch) This morning I decided to make more progress on the painting. The darker gray part above my picture window was glaring at me, judging me and finding me wanting. So I decided to bury it under a happy pastel blue.

I pulled everything off the east window wall, and moved it into the rest of the public spaces. That wall was possibly the most densely packed part of this whole area, with stacked plants, tchatchkis, and furniture. This was a lot of lifting. A lot of brain work. A fair bit of watering and hauling dusty plants into the shower. Then I pulled the hanging plant rail down but I left the brackets, because why bother painting under them? That rail is staying there until we no longer live in this house, and by then, someone other than me will paint it a different color anyway. All of this work happened before I cracked open the paint can.

I was exhausted even before putting the first drop of paint up. It took me ages to get the first five feet of header done. As difficult as it is for me to climb stairs with the janky hip, it's a thousand times harder to balance on a stepladder, but there I was, up and down a dozen times to get two coats done. This is a big part of the reason it has taken me so long to paint these rooms. Moving all the crap out of the way, and climbing the stepladder. If I were six and a half feet tall, it probably wouldn't be a big deal. I'm barely over five and a half feet tall, however, so cutting in at the ceiling is my least favorite part. The baseboards aren't particularly fun, but at least I can lie fully stretched out on my side and paint as if I were standing next to a doorframe.

I burned up all my spoons, spell slots, and all other units of bodily energy I had getting this section addressed. I've hung the plants that have macrame holders back up, but everything else is still scattered. I'm trying to decide whether rearranging is worthwhile or even possible while it's all away from the window and corner. I will need guidance on that, but not until tomorrow, at least. For now, it's bedtime. I need to cuddle some dogs and recharge my batteries. 

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