Thursday, September 5, 2024

Details Withheld

Inspirational song: Mr Roboto (Styx)

Hm. What to do, what to do. I am not sure how much I want to talk about for today. I just completed a task that might still be secret, even though I've already requested that it not be. I'll have to sit on that a while, until I find out whether I'm cleared to speak. Eventually I'll have to be open about it, but I'm unable to verify this late at night.

The other thing that occupied most of my afternoon was my business only, and not only will I not go into detail about, I don't want to do it ever. It's nothing bad. Just a meditation that is personal, and much more valuable that way.

For the record, I'm feeling much better today than the last few. I gave myself plenty of time to move slowly this morning. Zero expectations for tasks or projects. No chores. Just rest. Between that, and the cold front that came through with heavy rain, I am quite refreshed.

Heads up, for those who observe, this Saturday is the strictest No Red On Game Day of all. Your compliance is appreciated.

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