Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Inspirational song: Nothing from Nothing (Billy Preston)

To put into context how much the long days of prep and paint and reorganization took out of me, I tried twice to hang out with the grandchildren today, and both times I ended up heading home early, so wiped out that I worried about my ability to drive home. I slept hard for hours. I was not only unable to feed myself, just the thought of food made my stomach roil. I feel like a giant bag of lactic acid, and I have heartburn on top of it. To say that I overdid it is putting it mildly.

I haven't figured out whether this will turn into a full-blown lupus flare, a hitherto unacknowledged virus, or just a case of needing extra rest. I will plan on doing absolutely nothing until I have to take Saoirse in for her annual vet visit Friday morning.

I eventually was able to eat when my daughter ordered takeout from the restaurant that has gluten-free fried chicken. To contribute to dinner, I cut up some of the remaining Palisade peaches, added blueberries, and used half a yellow cake mix for a cobbler topping. It was so good Valerie ate all of hers and didn't chat much while she was doing it. My big accomplishment. I cuddled the oldest cat, but was too afraid to hold the baby for fear of dropping him with my tired arms. 

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