Sunday, September 1, 2024

Decor Day

Inspirational song: Old McDonald (Children's Song)

Good thing I had no goals for today. When I was asked to take Valerie "for a while," I jumped at the opportunity, and I kept her pretty much all day. We went to lunch at McDonald's, where I learned that they don't currently have a salad on their menu, so all I could eat was fries and a coke. She played in the playplace and made a new friend (which she does just about everywhere.) After that, we took the car through the car wash, grabbed her Goofy doll from the house, and went to Boulder. We checked out every bit of the Halloween decor in Joann, tried and failed to find nail polish in Ulta (did they hide it?), and looked through Home Goods for more fall stuff.

She is becoming so sophisticated in her tastes and understanding of shopping options. Last year when we went, just the two of us, to look at Christmas decorations, she mostly wanted to stop and look at sparkly things. This year, she was interested in textures and colors, rating the different skeleton options, and making rather clever jokes about things we found. She needed to smell candles as much as she needs oxygen to breathe. She provided valuable advice for which set of battery powered mini-lights we wanted for our fall display. (She chose leaves over sunflowers or squirrels, and she reasoned it was because she likes picking leaves from trees.)

Once home, she helped me clear off the cluttered and dusty side table, for a new seasonal display. I piled everything I had on the dining table, and she chose things we needed to use. I let her help me place things, and make calls like whether the cinnamon broom should be placed handle up or down. We both are so pleased with how the display came out. I didn't do much seasonal decorating before she came along, and with her around it is becoming an obsession. There is more I want to do, and I'll save a bunch of it for when she is here again.

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