Thursday, September 19, 2024

Making Plans

Inspirational song: Cinnamon Girl (Neil Young)

The last several years let me down. I didn't get my September day, sometimes until October, sometimes not at all. This Sunday is supposed to be it. I've been watching this weekend's forecast for ten days now. They bounced around for a while, but they are gaining confidence that this weekend will be cool, dreary, and damp. I am getting so excited I'm practically buzzing. It won't quite hit freezing, but it is for sure time to bring in the last of the porch plants. It will officially be sweater weather on Sunday. Let us all rejoice.

I started making equinox plans a week or two ago, when I wasn't 100% sure the weather would bless me with my day. I asked for Valerie's company to make an apple spice cake, and I figured while I was at it, I'd make a hearty soup in the crockpot. I'm thinking sort of a loaded baked potato soup. But now I'm adding more to my cooking goals. I found a recipe for gluten-free cinnamon rolls that sounds amazing. This one demands that psyllium husk not be substituted by anything else. Apparently it helps make them fluffy and chewy. I might have some ancient bag of psyllium in the recesses of my pantry. Not sure how long it's good for, but I bet I've long since passed that date. I will need a restock. Need to buy heavy cream and cream cheese for them too. Will report on whether this recipe is a good one.

The boys went to a park while big sister was at school today. They went to the train park, because that is D's favorite. They took the bus, and sent photos from there. I know we liked to joke about Valerie wanting baby three to be Valerie Jr, but for real, looking in his eyes, he really is. It's eerie how much he looks like his sister. Cool, but eerie.

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