Tuesday, September 10, 2024

For No Reason At All

Inspirational song: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Taylor's Version) (Taylor Swift)

I think I was more excited about bringing a helper over for more fall decorating than my helper(s) were. I rushed through putting away all the Rotary accoutrements after the meeting so I could hurry up and reach the kids. I decided on the way there that my heart has been feeling too vulnerable lately to be able to handle watching Dmitri cry at the door when I walk away with Valerie. I told my son-in-law that if Dmitri wanted to come over as well, then I was taking both of them for a grandma day. When we asked, his response was to go dig his shoes out of the drawer by the door. That meant yes. My daughter and son-in-law looked at me warily, like I was about to retract my offer, when they verified I wanted both big kids, and they could have a couple hours to get stuff done. Verily, I wanted both of them. For better or worse, I wanted chaos.

Valerie enjoyed putting together the remaining decorations on the dining room table, in a pleasing configuration. We had three things left over, and I convinced her to put two spooky ceramic candle holders on the end table that I recently cleared and cleaned. Dmitri had fun getting into stuff while we weren't looking. While Val and I mixed up a second copy of the peach cobbler like I made last week, I heard noise in the living room. I found Dmitri spreading potting soil from a small pot (the plant was long dead) around the couch. I looked at him and said as calmly as I could, "I don't like that you did that." He threw his arms wide and said, "I need a hug." That boy. I told him yes, come get your hug, but I still don't like that he dumped dirt all over my ottoman. 

It was a lot of work to have both kids by myself after already doing a lot to wear myself out in the last 72 hours, but I am so glad I did it. Valerie loves cuddling and sharing words of affection. Dmitri is getting much better with his words and interactions, but when that boy fell asleep on my shoulder while watching train videos, that was my favorite part. There will be more of these days, even before their parents' parental leave ends (at the end of this month, I think). 

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