Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Inspirational song: Ice, Ice, Baby (Vanilla Ice)

I went to the doctor this morning. What's the most depressing thing to hear when something hurts? Wait and see. I was told essentially to do exactly what I've been doing: ice, icy hot, Epsom salts, stretching, and taking it easy. If things don't improve in a couple weeks, then we investigate further. I suppose I'm happy that it wasn't a rush into surgery, or anything else dramatic that would take me out of commission when I really can't afford to be laid up. And as a bonus, I learned about teeny, tiny muscles I never knew existed before, like the popliteus, who doesn't get a lot of column inches in body building instruction manuals.

I had a lovely lunch with a friend who is in the process of adding to her already super-adorable family. Afterwards, we wandered in little boutiques full of antiques, shabby chic neat stuff, and locally made crafts. She had already told me that her new little boy will have a Harry Potter themed nursery, which thrills me to my toes. In the local craft store, we found "cobweb brooms." They had long, twisty sticks and round, natural straw heads. They were gorgeous, and she bought one to use as a quidditch broom curtain rod. Ever since I have been as excited by this nursery as if she is coming and and decorating my own bedroom as a birthday present to me. I begged her to let me help with the crafting, painting, anything.

By the time I got home, I came down off the theoretical crafting high, and settled on the couch for an extended cat-cuddling funk. I didn't get a whole lot done after that. Although I have been tasked with producing a notarized letter explaining that one of my tenants who had to move out really was a tenant, so FEMA can provide assistance accordingly. There is a risk in wasting too much time on the couch, ignoring the sounds from the kitchen. When you use a whole pack of chicken for your dinner, and only eat half of what you make, and then forget about the other half of dinner still sitting in the skillet, it doesn't pay not to get up and find out who is making the sounds of joy on the kitchen counter. I guess the silver lining is the old man got a week's worth of calories tonight. His stomach looks bloated even still.

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